Youth news

• Our last ELEVATE meeting of the year is scheduled for 12/10. We will be having a large, Tacky Sweater Christmas party from 5:30-7:30 PM. Be sure to invite friends! There will be a prize for the Merriest Youth (most new friends in attendance). 

• Wednesday Night Bible study at 6 PM until 12/13. We will be taking a break for the holidays, but hope to see you all back in January!

• Youth Band will be practicing at 4:30 PM each Sunday and performing at the Nativity Pageant on 12/17. There will be a nativity rehearsal on 12/13 at 5:30 PM.

• Thanks to everyone who gave money towards INVEST 317. This is our ONE fundraiser to earn money for youth missions, so we can focus on sharing Christ’s love instead of focusing on fundraising money throughout the year.